Friday 16 November 2012

more madam mad scientist

I liked this character so I decided to develop her a bit more, and made a small plasticine bust to help me figure out her shape, which I used to draw some expressions:

She was probably stained green and lost her eye from some horrible experiment (or looking down one too many vials of unholy potions).

Thursday 8 November 2012


Some plants and trees inspired by the local autumn colour. I was trying to play around with shapes and colours a little; there's much more variation in the hedgerows than one might think.

Monday 29 October 2012

rhino model

This was a model in preparation for a stop-motion puppet, constructed from a wire, foam and foil base with plasticine and acrylic paint on top. The character was intended to be relatively realistic, but still with some personality.

Some construction photos:

And the final model:

Monday 22 October 2012

feeding time

Saw an elderly lady feeding pigeons, and it inspired this elderly cave lady feeding prehistoric proto-pigeons.

jam labels

A label design for our rhubarb and ginger jam, with a rhubarb bird and a ginger bird.

And a couple more labels!

black widows logo

My cousins completed the Haute Route cycle race this year, and I did them a logo for their lovely pink lycra kit.

milly and blue

For this assignment we had to make a pitch for a kids' animated series. I ended up with a series for the 5-8's, with a main character whose family moves to live with her grandparents, who live and work next to a wood. Inside, the main character finds a magical stone that contains a mischievous shape-shifting magical creature.

Some early ideas. I liked the idea of a child finding a magical creature/s and adopting it, but I couldn't decide what form it might take. In the end I decided to cheat and have it be able to change shape - I thought this could provide more flexibility for plots and situations.

Couple of pages from the pitch, showing the main protagonists.

Some of the other proposed characters (Milly's grandparents, dad and older sister), and some ideas for episodes.

TMNT storyboards

We were given a script for an episode of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and asked to storyboard a page or two; this is a selection of the boards I drew. It was a lot of fun, and I got pretty nostalgic for the 90's cartoons I used to watch on Saturday mornings as a kid.

the royal presentation

Development sketches for a short film idea, about a courtier who makes a fool out of himself when he is presented to the Queen and risks the traditional off-with-his-head punishment.

Some finalised designs for the three main characters: the Chancellor, the Queen, and the Courtier.

Some rough thumbnails for the beginning of the film.

forest background

Prelim sketches for a forest background, and the final version done in Adobe Illustrator.

woodland backgrounds

Another college assignment; we were given a piece of linework and asked to colour it for daytime and nighttime shots.

e4 sting

For a college assignment we were given a short music clip and asked to design and make a short animation for the E4 channel, that incorporated the E4 logo. Here are some of the ideas and preliminary designs I did. Below is the final product:

Turnaround, construction and model sheet for a provided character.

madam mad scientist

Exploratory designs for a stop-motion character - a retired mad-scientist who goes on to become a schoolteacher for other budding mad-scientists.

candy circus 2

The finalised design of the trapeze artist character from the previous post, showcasing parts of her act.

And some expressions!

Colour turnaround, colour model sheet and an in-situ illustration.

candy circus

These are development sketches for a character design for college. I decided on a lady trapeze-artist in a circus, and went with a candy theme for the colours and shapes. The character ended up as a bearded lady, who wanted to move up to the high-wires. She ends up incorporating her unique attributes into her act and becomes a star.

Some experimental poses, trying to get to grips with her shape.

Final construction.